Wednesday, February 13, 2008

PilgrimCast #2

Well, day one of our journey in the Holy Land is complete.

Click here to listen to feedback from our pilgrims.

-Fr. Bill


Anonymous said...

Hello Mom (Debbie),

I hope you are having a nice time. Before you left you asked for prayer requests and this evening we found out that Jon's Grandpa was given 4 to 8 weeks due to an aggressive tumor on his heart. If you could put them all in your prayers to find peace in it all, we would greatly appreciate it.

AnnaBeth says thank you, too. She absolutely loves it.

We send our love-

Courtney, Jon, and AnnaBeth

Anonymous said...


I hope that your journey has brought you peace, joy, forgiveness, acceptance and love. I know you are having a great journey and experience.
I am keeping up on the pictures and autio portions of your journey. My love to you, Marg

Anonymous said...

Deb, May this trip be all you expected and more! Looking forward to hearing all about it upon your return. We are praying for you.
May you experience a greater revelation of Jesus, Our Lord.
Love you & God Bless, Brian

Anonymous said...


Well, how is it going? Are you having a blast? I have been logging in nightly to see what is up. It sounds like you are having a very great time. I am continuing to keep you in my prayers. I hope and pray that you will grow closer to God as you experience the place of His presence here on earth. May God Bless You and Keep You.

In Christ,
